Since 2022, it has been my honor to serve as your Trustee on the Fresno Unified School Board, and I’m more committed than ever to continue serving our Fresno High region and all Fresno Unified families. My priority is to ensure that all students are extended the same learning opportunities I had as a student in Fresno Unified.
I will continue to advocate for the Fresno High area to receive its fair share of resources.
I will help oversee Fresno Unified's "Every Child a Reader" initiative to ensure that all students are reading by the end of the first grade.
I will ensure that a transparent and competitive process is conducted to hire the next FUSD Superintendent and will hold that person accountable as the top administrator expected to lead the district to better academic results and overall student success.
I will work tirelessly to bring together everyone in Fresno Unified - students, families, teachers, staff, trustees, and the community - to elevate our school district to new heights and ensure all children will have bright futures.

As your Trustee for the past two years, I am proud to have:
Championed Fresno Unified's implementation of Community Schools, which supports students' academic performance and well-being. Last year, five schools received the State funding for adopting this model and saw student attendance improve at double the rate of other schools.
This year, the program has expanded to 19 campuses. -
Strengthened basic support services like transportation, food, and clothing for students and families, leading to reduced absenteeism and improved academic outcomes.
Led an effort to expand students' access to their College and Career Savings Accounts (CalKIDS), with over 3,000 more students claiming their accounts since March, nearly doubling enrollment.
Voted for a fair contract that supports teachers and avoided a strike.
I was born and raised in the Fresno High School area and am a proud graduate of Fresno Unified schools. From working for years with a national organization supporting principals leading high-poverty schools, getting my own graduate degree in Sociology of Education, and teaching for the past five years at Fresno State, I have spent my career in public education. While I am proud of the progress made these past two years, there is so much more to be done. I would be honored to have your support and the opportunity to keep building the Fresno Unified we need and deserve.

In addition to my role as Trustee on the Fresno Unified School Board, I am a proud educator in the Sociology Department at Fresno State and co-Director of the University’s Center for Community Voices. Under my leadership, I have helped raise more than $1 million from philanthropy for the recent launch of Fresno’s first-ever Guaranteed Basic Income program, which will provide a monthly $500 supplemental income for one year to selected families with young children in two of Fresno County’s highest poverty zip codes. As former Deputy Director of Faith in the Valley, I also led and organized successful campaigns to address slum housing and reduce gun violence in Fresno.
I would be honored to have your support November 5, 2024 and the opportunity to keep building the Fresno Unified we need and deserve.